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How will the End-of-Course Assessment results affect my final grade in the course?

REQUIREMENT: Florida Senate Bill 1076 requires that the EOC assessment results make up 30 percent of all students’ final course grades for the following courses:


  • Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology 1, U.S. History and Civics


Students must earn a passing grade in a course with the 30 percent calculation applied in order to earn high school credit.




What grades will be assigned based on the EOC?

                    EOC Score            Grade assigned for 30% calculation

5 or 4                                       A

3                                              B

2 or 1                                       D


How will the 30 percent be calculated into my grade?

The final grade will be calculated using the following formula, with traditional point values used for the letter grade:

(Final grade assigned by teacher X .70) + (Grade assigned by EOC Score X .30)


For example: Your final grade in Biology is a B and you earn a Level 3 on the Biology EOC. Your grade is the following:


(B X .70) + (B X .30)

(3.0 X .70) + (3.0 X .30)

(2.1) + (.9)



What will your final grade be without performing the computation?


                    Teacher Final Grade              EOC Score=5 or 4                 EOC Score=3                 EOC Score=2 or 1

                                                                           30% as ‘A’                              30% as ‘B’                            30% as ‘D’


                                A                                               A                                              A                                             B

                                B                                               B                                              B                                             C

                                C                                               B                                              C                                             C

                                D                                               C                                              C                                             D

                                F                                                D                                              F                                              F


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