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  • Arrive on time, prepared, and ready to learn.

  • When the teacher talks, the student listens.

  • Follow directions.

  • Raise your hand if you have a question and wait to be picked on.

  • No cell phones unless you have permission.

  • Have all materials available every day.

  • Come to class with a positive attitude.

  • Respect yourself and others.

  • No foul language allowed.

  • No food, candy or drinks allowed.  (Water only)

  • ALL home learning and classwork must be turned in ON TIME 


Students are expected to behave accordingly in the classroom everyday.  
Mrs. Laubscer's order of discipline:
  • Step 1: Communicate with student
  • Step 2: Communicate with parent
  • Step 3: Communicate with administator
If the student comes to class unprepared (particularly not having the Interactive Notebook or Binder with current work or Coach books or Biology) Mrs. Laubscher will make a note of it in the gradebook under "Discipline" and parents will be able to view it.
After the 3rd time the student comes unprepared to class, his/her conduct grade will be lowered a letter grade.
For more information click below.
Student Code of Conduct





  • Please be in your seat when the late bell rings.

  • Turn cell phones off, on vibrate, or on silent and put it completely away. Out of sight, out of mind.

  • Have all materials out and ready for the day.

  • Copy Home Learning in your planner.

  • Complete ALL assigned activities for the day.

  • 5 minutes before the bell rings, place all belongings away.

  • Throw any garbage from the table and surrounding areas away.

  • Stay in your seat until the bell rings.




Grading Scale:

A = 100% - 90%

B = 89% - 80%

C = 79% - 70%

D = 69% - 60%

F = 59% - 0%


I = Incomplete: value of 0

Z = Not turned in: value of 0

X = excuse: Does not affect GPA


Extra Credit:  Only helps GPA


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