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Animations and Videos


Crash Course 1: Carbon

Crash Course 2: Water

Crash Course 3: Molecules

Crash Course 4: Animal Cells

Crash Course 5: Membrane and Transport

Crash Course 6: Plant Cells

Crash Course 7: ATP and Respiration

Crash Course 8: Photosynthesis

Crash Course 9: Heredity

Crash Course 10: DNA Structure and Replication

Crash Course 11: DNA Transcription and Translation

Crash Course 12: Mitosis

Crash Course 13: Meiosis

Crash Course 14: Natural Selection

Crash Course 15: Speciation

Crash Course 16: Animal Development

Crash Course 17: Evolutionary Development

Crash Course 18: Population Genetics

Crash Course 19: Taxonomy

Crash Course 20: Evolution

Crash Course 21: Comparative Anatomy

Crash Course 22: Simple Animals

Crash Course 23: Complex Animals

Crash Course 24: Chordates

Crash Course 25: Animal Behavior

Crash Course 26: The Nervous System

Crash Course 27: Circulatory & Respiratory Systems

Crash Course 28: The Digestive System

Crash Course 29: The Excretory System

Crash Course 30: The Skeletal System

Crash Course 31: The Muscular System

Crash Course 32: The Immune System

Crash Course 33: The Endocrine System

Crash Course 34: The Reproductive System

Crash Course 35: Archaea, Bacteria & Protists

Crash Course 36: Nonvascular Plant Reproduction

Crash Course 37: Vascular Plants

Crash Course 38: Plant Reproduction

Crash Course 39: Fungi

Crash Course 40: Ecology



Crash Course 1: The History of Life on Earth

Crash Course 2: Population Ecology: The Texas Mosquito Mystery

Crash Course 3: Human Population Growth

Crash Course 4: Community Ecology: Feel the Love

Crash Course 5: Community Ecology II: Predators

Crash Course 6: Ecological Succession: Change is Good

Crash Course 7: Ecosystem Ecology: Links in the Chain

Crash Course 8: The Hydrologic and Carbon Cycles: Always Recycle! 

Crash Course 9: Nitrogen & Phosphorus Cycles: Always Recycle! 

Crash Course 10: 5 Human Impacts on the Environment

Crash Course 11: Pollution

Crash Course 12: Conservation and Restoration Ecology


Big History

Crash Course 1: The Big Bang

Crash Course 2: Exploring the Universe

Crash Course 3: The Sun & The Earth

Crash Course 4: Life Begins

Crash Course 5: The Evolutionary Epic

Crash Course 6: Human Evolution

Crash Course 7: Migrations and Intensification

Crash Course 8: The Modern Revolution

Crash Course 9: The Anthropocene and the Near Future

Crash Course 10: The Deep Future

Videos from TED-Education

Not All Scientific Studies are Created Equal

How Simple Ideas Lead to Scientific Discoveries

Got Seeds? Now Add bleach, Acid and Sandpaper

Curiosity, Discovery and Gecko Feet

What is the Shape of a Molecule?

If Molecules were People

The Carbon Cycle

Sugar: Hiding in Plain Sight

How Sugar Affects the Brain

What is Fat?

Activation Energy: Kickstarting Chemical Reactions

How Polarity Makes Water Behave Strangely

Pruney Fingers: A Gripping Story

The Weird History of Cell Theory

Insights Into Cell Membrane Via Dish Detergent

How Bacteria "Talk"

You Are Your Microbes

Visualizing Hidden Worlds Inside Your Body

From the Top of the Food Chain Down: Rewilding our World

The Secret Life of Plankton

Dead Stuff: The Secret Ingredient in our Food Chain

The Simple Story of Photosynthesis and Food

Nature's Smallest Factory: The Calvin Cycle

How a Wound Heals Itself

How do Scars Form?

How do Germs Spread?

How do Pain Relievers Work?

How Does Your Brain Respond to Pain?

How the Heart Actually Pumps Blood?

What Happens When You Get Heat Stroke?

What is Alzheimer's Disease?

The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain

How do Nerves Work?

How Breathing Works

What If We Could Look Inside Human Brains?

Where do Genes Come From?

The Coelacanth: A Living Fossil of a Fish

The Cancer Gene We All Have

Cell vs. Virus: A Battle for Health

How do Vitamins Work?

A Guide to the Energy of the Earth

Attack of the Killer Algae

The Weird, Wonderful World of Bioluminescence

The Science of Spiciness

Why do We Cry?

Which Came First: The Chicken or the Egg?

Poison vs. Venom: What's the Difference?

Eli the Eel: A Mysterious Migration

What Percentage of your Brain do you use?

The Mystery of Motion Sickness

How do we Smell?

How to Sequence the Human Genome

The Loathsome, Lethal Mosquito

The Operating System of Life

Why is Yawning Contagious?

Cicadas: The Dormant Army Beneath Your Feet

RNA: Slicing, Dicing and Serving your Cells

Myths and Misconceptions About Evolution

The Game-Changing Amniotic Egg

The Brilliance of Bioluminescence

How Giant Sea Creatures Eat Tiny Sea Creatures

Atoms from A to Easy!

How did Feathers Evolve?

Making Sense of how Life Fits Together

Early Forensic and Crime-Solving Chemists

How Mendel's Pea Plants Helped Us Understand Genetics

Why are Blue Whales so Enormous?

How We See Color

Conserving Our Spectacular, Vulnerable Coral Reefs

How Do Cancer Cells Behave Differently From Healthy Ones?

DNA: The Book of You

Does Stress Cause Pimples?

How Life Came to Land

The Twisting Tale of DNA

The Survival of the Sea Turtle

Evolution's Gift of Play, from Bonobo Apes to Humans

How life Begins in the Deep Ocean

Five Fingers of Evolution

Sex Determination: More Complicated than you Thought

How I Discovered DNA

Symbiosis: A Surprising Tale of Species Cooperation

A Guide to the Energy of the Earth
What's the Difference Between a Scientific Law and Theory?

Why Do Women Have Periods?

How Do Carbohydrates impact our Health?

How to Sequence the Human Genome?

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Amoeba Sisters

Study Tips, Motivation, & Our Biology Playlist

General Lab Safety

Microscopes and How to Use a Light Microscope

Casual and Scientific Use of "Theory" and "Law"

Characteristics of Life

Biological Levels in Biology: The World Tour

Properties of Water

Biomolecules (Updated)

Enzymes (Updated)

Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells (Updated)

Endosymbiotic Theory

Introduction to Cells: The Grand Cell Tour

Specialized Cells: Significance and Examples

How Cells Become Specialized

Inside the Cell Membrane

Osmosis and Water Potential (Updated)

Cell Transport

Intro to Cell Signaling

Cellular Respiration and the Mighty Mitochondria


Photosynthesis and the Teeny Tiny Pigment Pancakes

DNA, Chromosomes, Genes, and Traits: An Intro to Heredity

DNA Replication: The Cell's Extreme Team Sport

Gel Electrophoresis

The Cell Cycle (and cancer) [Updated]

Mitosis: The Amazing Cell Process that Uses Division to Multiply! (Updated)

Meiosis (Updated)

Chromosome Numbers During Division: Demystified!

Mitosis vs. Meiosis: Side by Side Comparison

Chromosomes and Karyotypes

Alleles and Genes

Monohybrids and the Punnett Square Guinea Pigs

Dihybrid and Two-Trait Crosses

Punnett Squares and Sex-Linked Traits

Multiple Alleles (ABO Blood Types) and Punnett Squares

Incomplete Dominance, Codominance, Polygenic Traits, and Epistasis


Why RNA is Just as Cool as DNA

Protein Synthesis (Updated)

Protein Structure and Folding

Gene Regulation and the Order of the Operon

Mutations: The Potential Power of a Small Change

Natural Selection

Genetic Drift



Dichotomous Keys: Identification Achievement Unlocked

Bacteria (Updated)

Viruses (Updated)

Protists and Fungi

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

Plant Structure and Adaptations

Plant Reproduction in Angiosperms

Food Webs and Energy Pyramids: Bedrocks of Biodiversity

Ecological Relationships

Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles

Ecological Succession: Nature's Great Grit

Biomagnification and the Trouble with Toxins

Homeostasis and Negative/Positive Feedback

Human Body Systems Functions Overview: The 11 Champions (Updated)

Antibiotics, Antivirals, and Vaccines

Stroll Through the Playlist (a Biology Review)


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